Post 15-Axiom- Tides IN, Dirts OUT

Imagine being at a beach resort and you are staying their for a week long vacation. There are piles of dirty clothes just waiting to be cleaned. While you are on the beach there is a sudden shift in weather. Suddenly gigantic waves are crashing upon the shore line. Before you know it in the distance you can see  the beginnings of a tidal wave! But this is no average tidal wave at all. It is a Tide-al wave of fresh ocean-scented Tide detergent. When the Tide comes IN, the clothes are thoroughly cleaned, and when the Tide retrieves, the dirt is OUT and the clothes are left folded and looking and smelling as clean as new!
Here is a Diorama of the Tide-al wave…with the dirty clothes before the tide comes in and after when the Tide Pods clean up the mess.


IMG_0771     Dirt on Clothes with the Tide OUT

IMG_0772    Tide (Pods) comes IN to clean up the stained clothing

IMG_0773   Tide IN all the clothes are clean and restored fresh as new

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